Today, the tot decides to not only nap, but has done so an hour prior to the normally scheduled naptime, and he is still napping several hours later. Goes to show that he DOES still need those naps. Darned kid.
Course, he and I were up for how many hours last night tossing and turning and whining and squirming? Can't remember...too tired.
Had a powernap myself and feel less tired than I did this morning.
Tomorrow is hubby's second interview.

Bought a new air mattress for child to use at luxurious cottage today. Paid 50 cents because the rest was covered by money on Mastercard. LOVE Canadian Tire Mastercard!
No action on basement
Almost 8 months pregnant. Getting a little fed up with that...
Oct. 15 c-section date still a go after panicky phonecall to OB to get explanation about my 3 possible due dates. Feel less panicky now.
Grandmother back at her home in Switzerland after two strokes. She is anxiously awaiting my mother's arrival in mid September.
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