Sunday, August 05, 2007

I'm all alone

Just sitting here. Thinking about how silent the house is. Although I'm surrounded by silent clutter...every single thing that we had in the basement, save a few items in the still-standing cedar closets, are now in my livingroom. Or at my parents' place. Or at the storage which is mostly full now. But mostly in my livingroom.

There is a single bed in the livingroom where the couch used to be.

The couch is next to the desk where I had my laptop.

The laptop is now on the coffee table because the desktop computer from downstairs is on the desk.

There is a huge bin of stuff that needs to be sorted and brought to the storage in front of the desk. Stuff like winter boots, photo frames, odds and ends we can't/won't get rid of now are in it. I can't move the bin because it's too heavy, and hubby hasn't moved it because I keep telling him I have to sort through it first. I haven't. Sorted. It. Yet.

There is an extra bookshelf in the livingroom housing the goldfish we didn't want but had to accept as a pet for our 2-year old. Guess who cares for the fish?

Then, there is still all the other stuff that actually belongs in the livingroom, like the huge Billy bookcases filled with books, the tv and associated technology, the fan to help circulate airconditioned air that doesn't reach this room very well due to inefficiently placed furnace ducts, the brand-spanking-new shredder which he insisted on getting but only used once since its purchase, and two chairs which I prefer not to have in this room but are here anyway.

The plans I have for this room.

Ideally, this room will be emptied completely so I can repaint it, reshine the hardwood floor, and then redecorate it as our main dining area. I already have a fantastic table picked out that I want to situate in front of the bay window.

Of course this is going to get done before the baby is born. We have about two months left...


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