Thursday, April 26, 2007

Boy or girl?

My friend is driving me crazy.

She too is pregnant, a couple of months ahead of me. She is burning to know the sex of her child because she wants another girl. But her honey wants it to be a surprised, although he is convinced it's a girl. Apparently he knows this stuff.

She's got another ultrasound tomorrow and is tempted to cheat....but she knows if she does she won't be able to keep it to herself.

I'm sooooooo the opposite. My 18 week ultrasound is in early June and I cannot wait to find out. We knew with Ben, and it was very obvious in the picture, so we hope it'll be similar this time around.

I actually think it's a girl this time. I'm partial to having another boy since we already have the stuff, but then, most of the rest of the family would be happy to have one of each. A little girl to shop for....lordy. I will have to start looking at real estate soon.

Anyway, the reason my friend is driving me crazy is because she's checking internet links to predict her baby's sex. She does me at the same time too. According to one link, some Chinese Lunar thing, she's having a girl and I'm having a boy, except she thought we conceived in January when in fact it was in February, which now means according to her link, we're having a girl too.

So....I have to wait another month. She on the other hand may see something tomorrow....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I always say, go with your gut instinct. I was right with all three. Although the tech told me #3 was supposed to be a boy, I knew deep down it wasn't true. And of course Bridget came out a girl ;-)